Rumor: Nintendo NX Controller Revealed(Debunked)

Rumor: Nintendo NX Controller Revealed(Debunked)

According to Polygon the images were an elaborate prank by two people who have come forward.

Original Article

According to Dual Pixels the Nintendo NX controller may have been revealed via photos sent to the company via Reddit.
The photo above shows the device with a nice sticky note next to it which reads “You will say wow!”

If this indeed a legitimate photo and not a photoshopped image, the device is similar to that which Nintendo recently filed a patent for.

Please note that this is a rumor so take this information with a grain of salt.

More on this as it develops.

Source: Dual Pixels

  • Richard Booth

    Rich has been involved in the gaming industry for over 15 years, working with such companies as NintendoGuinness World Records,Twin Galaxies, 2K Sports, and Nintendojo. He began GamesRelated in order to bring positivity to gaming journalism, and GR aims to be the place where people can come to see content based on just that. Reporting even the bad in a positive way is a philosophy that is sorely missing in today's industry.