Satoru Iwata Describes Gaming

Satoru Iwata Describes Gaming

In 2006, The late Nintendo President Satoru Iwata stood on stage at the Game Developer’s Conference San Francisco and talked exclusively about what makes games fun. During his closing remarks, he told a captive audience the most spot-on summary of his company’s vision.

“At Nintendo, we do not run from risk. We run to it. We are taking the risk to move beyond current boundaries. It should be our goal, each of us, to reach the new players as well as the current players. Our goal is to show them surprise. Our reward is to convince them that above all video games are meant to be just one thing fun. Fun for everyone.”

  • Richard Booth

    Rich has been involved in the gaming industry for over ten years, working with such companies as Jace Hall ShowTwin Galaxies and Nintendojo. He began GamesRelated in order to bring positivity to gaming journalism. Much of what is out today is completely negative, and GR aims to be the place where that stops and the news is simply reported.