“Video games are not toys; A video game is a piece of art and it deserves to be treated as such. In my mind, anyone who thinks differently is ignoring the fact that hundreds of people pour thousands of hours over a period of years to bring one game to life. They dedicate their lives to it at the sacrifice of their personal well-being to bring their collective vision to life. I can’t think of a single toy factory that has done the same.”
-Richard Booth, Owner and Co-Founder
That is what GamesRelated is all about. We believe that the people who make video games are artists. They deserve as much attention and appreciation as the games they make. That is where we come in. We appreciate those who pioneered this multi-billion dollar industry as well as those who carry the torch today.
At GamesRelated, you will sometimes find the same news stories that you could find everywhere else. Still, our main focus is to bring attention to the people in the industry and share our thoughts on hardware, software, books, and film related to gaming.
GamesRelated; We believe in what we do and we work as hard as we can to bring our vision to you. This is content brought to you by gamers, for gamers.
Meet our team:
Rich Booth: Co-Founder and Director of Business Development
Rich has been involved in the gaming industry for over 15 years, working with such companies as Nintendo, Guinness World Records, Twin Galaxies, 2K Sports, and Nintendojo. He began GamesRelated in order to bring positivity to gaming journalism, and GR aims to be the place where people can come to see content that is based on just that. Reporting even the bad in a positive way is a philosophy that is sorely missing in today’s industry.

Nick Gallicchio: Content Creator and Industry Analyst
Nick began gaming at a young age and quickly became drawn to various genres, spending time on anything from sports titles like Madden and NBA 2K, to role-playing games such as the Final Fantasy series. Nick tackles reviews enthusiastically, brings a lot of fun to the content he creates, and is a crucial part of the team at GamesRelated.

Ryan Lepore: Content Creator and Industry Analyst
Ryan is a lifelong gamer who has been fascinated by video games since he first played Super Mario Bros on the NES. He enjoys playing a variety of genres, from action-adventure to strategy to simulation to shooters, these days he prefers to play them on his custom-built PC. He may be addicted to upgrading his PC hardware. Ryan works in the tech industry, where he applies his skills and knowledge to create innovative solutions for various problems. Ryan loves all things technology, and he believes that video games are a form of art and entertainment that can enrich our lives.

Aaron Swain: Content Creator and Industry Analyst
Aaron is extremely passionate and knowledgeable in the video game industry and any/all things computer technology. He has been playing games and has been deeply interested in them for over 35 years. He’s owned consoles and computers ranging from an Atari 2600 and Commodore 64 up to the current generation. Aaron’s vast technological knowledge helps bolster GamesRelated and its content.

Joe Syracusa: Content Creator and Industry Analyst
Joe began his gaming experience playing his grandmother’s NES, what feels like an eternity ago. Since Joe has become obsessed with most gaming genres from hack n’ slash games, Maximo for PS2 being a personal favorite, to shooters and anything horror. With a wide variety of interests, he likes to review anything from console and PC hardware to most games and genres.

Evan Linza: Content Creator and Industry Analyst
Evan has been involved in the PC gaming community for over thirteen years, with a focus on Counter-Strike. He began working with GamesRelated to become a positive voice for the gaming community. Many people don’t get to witness the historical events that lead to the modern gaming world today. Evan’s goal is to clarify roster changes, rumors and events in the online gaming community while helping the eSports scene grow.

DeeDee Stasiak: Content Creator and Industry Analyst
Deedee’s passion for gaming began at a young age–dating herself back to Sega handheld consoles. This eventually evolved into a shared hobby with her older brother (Deedee’s words…not her brothers) on their PlayStation 2. Her love for gaming, strategic play and creativity grew further in her family “computer room” with games like Rollercoaster Tycoon and The Sims. Today, Deedee enjoys a diverse range of games on Xbox, from Call of Duty and Crash Bandicoot (for nostalgia), to most recently Hogwarts Legacy. By day, she works in the tech industry, dedicated to making technology a positive and accessible experience for everyone!